King of Tokyo Game Series advances the third installment

It seems that a third installment of the popular work of iello rey of Tokyo The series is on the way. The board games editor has an advance in its stand in Essen Spiel, insinuating a new environment that is not a densely populated city. Instead, the screen shows a monster standing on a desert island against a volcano. No other details were provided on the game, but the screen seems to show a new type of tab that represents smaller monsters that could be hesitacted or passers-by on the island.

Rey of Tokio is a Press Style game Your Luck designed by Magic: The Gathering Creator Richard Garfield in which players fight for Tokyo s control with giant monsters. Each player controls a single monster of the size of a Kaiju who fights for the control of Tokyo while obtaining victory points. During the turn of each player, a player throws 6 specialized dice up to three times, choosing what dice to preserve and which ones to launch before each repetition. The dice runs allow players to collect energy, inflict damage to other monsters, cure and earn victory points. The position of a player also determines what monsters are damaged. If a player is in Tokyo, the attacks of him damage all the other monsters, while each player outside of Tokyo only damages the monster within Tokyo. The game runs until a player obtains 20 points of Victoria or until a monster is in the game.

Youllo is very successful with rey de Tokio over the years. Besides that the game won multiple prizes at board games, it also generated a sequel. Rey of New York and several expansions that add new mechanics and new monsters. The latest version of the game, rey of Tokyo: Dark Edition, provided a collector edition to fans along with a new mechanics that added a new evil mechanics to the game.

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Please listen to more details about this new delivery of rey de Tokio in the not too distant future. Both rey of Tokio and rey of the new york are available for purchase in many local games stores.


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