Rocket League Rocket Pass 5 on December 4th

Epic Games, Inc. is a software company based in Raleigh in the US state of North Carolina. The company has been working as a developer of computer and video games since 1991 and established themselves with games such as the Unreal and Gears-of-War series, as well as the Battle-Royale shooter Fortnite. Due to the licensing and further development of the in-house Unreal Engine, a development software for computer games, Epic Games today is one of the leading providers in the field of game engines. In addition, the company operates the Internet distribution platform Epic Games Store.

The new pass comes with a lot of new material.

Rocket League® - Rocket Pass 5 Rake League Last year, a lot has happened. The developer of the game was not only taken over by Epic Games, which you can learn more here. He has also completely revised the monetization of the game by dropping bag boxes and introduced Rocket Passes. Now comes soon the fifth pass and we have the first look. And it definitely has a lot to do for hardcore players who are still in the game.

The fifth Rocket Pass will include a lot of new customization options and challenges. It will have a little Japanese flair, with a video designed for Japanese anime with new car skins, and offers you a lot of unique ways to play around. It s also a ton, so it will take a long time until everything is done. You can watch the video below about the Official Twitter of the game.

RakeNIGA is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. Marked: Epic Games, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PSyonix, Rocket League, Xbox One


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