Elden Ring: These five classes are available in the Technical Test

A few days before the start of the Technical Test of Elder Ring, from Software has given a first look at the five different classes that invited players can try in the coming days.

Which classes are there in the ELDER ring beta?

While there has always been ten classes at the offshoots of Dark Souls, there are five different classes at Elder Ring. Whether it is only a smaller selection specifically for the Technical Test or actually only five character types will be available, the team of FROM software has not yet revealed.

Via Twitter, Warrior, Enchanted Knight, Prophet, Champion and Bloody Wolf were confirmed for the Technical Test of Elder Ring. The pictures in the Tweet of From Software probably show the character creation at the beginning of the game. Two variants are playable here per class.

When will the Technical Test take place from Elder Ring?

Invited players may play the first hours of Elder Ring between 12 and 15 November 2021. The Crossly multiplayer should also be tested here. However, the servers are only online for selected times. These are the following dates:

12 . November: 12:00 hours until 15:00 13 . November: 4:00 am until 7:00 13 . November: 20:00 o clock to 23:00

14 . November: 12:00 hours until 15:00 15 . November: 4:00 am until 7:00

New gameplay to Elder Ring

Even before the Technical Test, from Software has presented further material from the game. Almost twenty minutes Gameplay is available in the current video. Elder Ring (Buy Now €53,99 / €50,99) appears on the 25 . February 2022 for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X / S and Xbox One in the trade.

Elden Ring: Five Classes and 60FPS Confirmed  - IGN Daily Fix

From Dominik Wingman author 08.11.2021 at 15:20


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